An Exceptional School for Exceptional Children
The Kalos Academy
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A Warm Welcome From the Founder of The Kalos Academy
Welcome to the Kalos Academy, Inc. We specialize in providing a therapeutic educational environment to children whom the typical public classroom is not an effective option.
Who We Serve
Students with differences that benefit from having individual needs addressed academically as well as therapeutically.
Students who may benefit the most:
ADHD Communication Disorder Motor Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorder Learning Disorders Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
Anxiety Disorders Mood Disorders Neuro Developmental Disorders
The Vision
Our vision is to provide an effective learning environment for children with learning differences. Any accommodation that a child needs to thrive must be made available freely and consistently.
Business Partners
Please partner with us to help change lives in Tift County and the surrounding areas.
Platinum Sponsor - $20,000
Social media recognition
Company logo on TKA t-shirt (large)
9X12 plaque inside large facility room
Media recognition – print & television
Introduced at ribbon cutting event
Help with ribbon cutting
Logo on our website
“Proud to sponsor” plaque
Company name on donor recognition wall
Gold Sponsor - $10,000
Social media recognition
Company logo on TKA t-shirt (medium)
7X9 plaque outside classroom door
Media recognition – print & television
Invitation to ribbon cutting
Logo on our website
“Proud to sponsor” plaque
Company name on donor recognition wall
Silver Sponsor - $5,000
Social media recognition
Invitation to ribbon cutting ceremony
Logo on our website
“Proud to sponsor” plaque
Name on donor recognition wall
Bronze Sponsor - $1,000
Name on donor recognition wall
Certificate of sponsorship
Social media recognition
Company Name on our website
Friend of Kalos- $500
Name on donor recognition wall
Name on website